St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio



   Name   Location 
1.St. Augustine Catholic CemeteryMinster, Auglaize County, Ohio, USA


Matches 1 to 50 of 4011

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Buried    Person ID 
1 Elisabeth  1849St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I57646
2 Margaretha  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I136420
3 ACKMAN ABIGMANN, Maria Elisabeth  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I102250
4 ADELMEYER, Bernadina  1928St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I53747
5 ADELMEYER, Bernard  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I183709
6 ADELMEYER, Bernard Heinrich  1857St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I53799
7 ADELMEYER, Bernard Heinrich  1867St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I53797
8 AHRNS, August  1886St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41145
9 AHRNS, Caroline Catherine  1908St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41146
10 AHRNS, Charles David  31 Dec 2002St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41156
11 AHRNS, Charles E  5 Feb 1963St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41148
12 AHRNS, Edward Clemens  1902St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41147
13 AHRNS, Elizabeth Mary  1922St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I39850
14 AHRNS, Helen  1939St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I21514
15 AHRNS, Infant  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I156974
16 AHRNS, John B  27 Oct 2007St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I21509
17 AHRNS, John Bernard  1938St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41143
18 AHRNS, Lewis Clarence  1960St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41153
19 AHRNS, Marie "Mayme"  1971St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I4276
20 AHRNS, Richard A  16 Oct 2015St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I21511
21 AHRNS, Richard Alton  1988St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41155
22 AHRNS, Richard J  1977St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I21507
23 AHRNS, Thomas Joseph  1939St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41157
24 ALBERS, Anna Maria Agnes  1891St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I26457
25 ALBERS, Anna Maria Elisabeth  1902St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I49638
26 ALBERS, Bernadina  1867St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I69783
27 ALBERS, Bernadina  1905St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I34917
28 ALBERS, Bradley James  1977St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I41364
29 ALBERS, Carl B  30 Jul 2018St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I1749
30 ALBERS, Clarence J  1990St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I1741
31 ALBERS, Dorothy A  1998St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I15201
32 ALBERS, Elizabeth  1909St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I54679
33 ALBERS, Elmer J  27 Jan 2006St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I1740
34 ALBERS, Elsie  30 Oct 2004St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I26845
35 ALBERS, Frances  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I53648
36 ALBERS, Frank  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I53538
37 ALBERS, Herbert B  1995St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I24756
38 ALBERS, Jeanette Mary  8 Jun 2021St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I26299
39 ALBERS, Joseph  13 Nov 1936St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I53540
40 ALBERS, Laurina  1983St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I25010
41 ALBERS, Leo A  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I53646
42 ALBERS, Louis J  1975St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I17571
43 ALBERS, Luetta C  9 Dec 2001St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I15582
44 ALBERS, Marvin W  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I59871
45 ALBERS, Mary A  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I57044
46 ALBERS, Mary Eileen  1 Feb 2019St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I7067
47 ALBERS, Nicholas Joseph  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I74871
48 ALBERS, Ronald John Anthony  4 Jun 1976St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I1743
49 ALBERS, Urban John  27 Dec 2014St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I26297
50 ALBRECHT, John H  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I45569

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Occupation    Person ID 
1 BAUMER, Beth  St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio I43227


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   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 /   27 May 2005St. Augustine Catholic Cemetery - Minster, Auglaize County, Ohio F9061